Song That Inspired Me!

Monday, November 16, 2009

13.1 Accomplished!

I did it! I really did it! I am still in a state of shock. So here is my story of 13.1
The 13.1 miles was tough! It was humid which made things a little uncomfortable. My sister and her family were waiting for me at mile 4 and I needed that because it seemed like forever until I hit mile 4. I kept thinking if I can just get this first hour done I will be good. It has HOT! Thank GOD by mile 5 it was overcast, so that helped. I was surprised to see my friend Erica and she asked if I was dying yet and I said "I was, but I back in it now" I had just got my groove back at that point. I had no foot pain, but my knees started hurting by mile 6, so I had to stop and stretch a few times after that. My mom was waiting for me at mile 8 and it was wonderful to see how proud she was of me. The look on her face was just.. well priceless. It kept going.
I was SO amazed at the spectators. San Antonio is such a great place. Running this downtown was sweet! to know that our community was there giving us water, cheering us on, and so many people standing in front of their houses, holding signs, standing in line to give us high fives... made all the difference.
By mile 10, I was wondering why I had signed up for this and I slowed down a little bit and thought here is that WALL they talk about. As I kept on, a lady from the crowd came out, grabbed my hand and said "You are doing great. Keep going" I keep thinking of that lady and I wish she knew how much that helped me get past those last 3 miles. Those last 3 were the toughest. I also saw this man who has a burned leg and a bone or some kind of injury to his left foot, and he was walking and wobbling, but he was still going. I saw him and thought if he can keep going so can I! At mile 11, a volunteer said. Half marathoners.. you have 2 miles left. Don't give up! I had stop to walk mile 12 and I pushed myself to run to finish the last 1.1. I hated seeing everyone walking back to their cars with their medals already and so many people were walking that it was difficult to make myself run.
I started this journey by saying I would not be able to do this without GOD. The only reason I was able to do this was because He was with me. I was reminded of this at the end of my run. My warm up song was Voice of Truth by Casting Crowns. I listened to it before every run throughout my training. Well, the night before the race I added some songs to my playlist and put that song at the end of them along with some other motovational songs. The Climb and Time of My Life. I hadn't timed anything, so I didn't know where songs would fall as I ran. Well, as I turned one of the last turns that started that crazy incline infront of the Alamodome which led to the .1 of the race, those songs began playing! It was the perfect ending to my race. Every strech break, walk break, was part of my pace. I heard those songs and especially Voice of Truth and was so overwhelmed with joy! I will NEVER forget how that felt. To know that all this was GOD. When I saw that finish line, it was a feeling I can't explain! I was even more excited to see my sister in law and her friend right at the finish. Much Pain followed after my finish (especially the eternity walk back to the shuttle bus), but it was all AMAZING!

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