Song That Inspired Me!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

You Know You are Serious When

Alex has joined the San Antonio fit training and is running with but ahead of me. It's now even a better experience going through this with him. He is a great support system for me and I can't wait to see him at the finish line holding my ribbon to break through.

We were at the beach this last week and we got up one morning to RUN! I couldn't believe it. It was more challenging than I thought. I felt like sand was in my throat, but I pushed through to finish my run. We also got back Friday night at midnight after a long day at the beach, and still managed to get up for our 6:30 A.M. group run. (We took a nap immediately after, but I am still surprised we are doing this great!)

I am now running 1 mile without stopping. It's a slow pace, but I can feel myself getting better at each run. We have started doing 2 miles in our group run, so I need to push myself through to 2 miles. It's tough. There are times I want to still quit and most of the time during my run I go back and forth on thoughts I can do this.. I can't do this.. I just know I want to finish something I set out for and not give up!!!!!

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight."Proverbs 3:5-6


  1. Yippeee I love running! We can do this!!

  2. Yesterday was 3 miles!!!! Remember what you said about running 6 miles. You are doing so good running queen.


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