Song That Inspired Me!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

4 miles!

Just realized I haven't updated my training in about a month. This is week 10 of my training. I am almost 1/2 way done. We are running 4 miles during our group run and it is tough. Hills! and Running on Blanco Road is a challenge. Alex is doing great! He has so much determination and keeps me on the right track. I need that so much. I am nervous about the start of school and being able to manage my training and my busy work schedule. I just keep reminding myself of my goal and try to remember how far I have already come. In January, if someone would have said I would be able to run 4 miles in July I wouldn't have believed it, but here I am. I am still waiting for Cheryl to pinch me when it turns into 6 miles.

1 comment:

  1. Elida, that is AWESOME!!! Soooo proud of you!! Keep up the great work. You are going to feel like you can accomplish ANY when you cross that finish line in November! :)


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